Melanie Clark التطبيقات

Random Pick
Melanie Clark
Random Pick allows you to generate a randomitem from a saved list by rolling a dice. Lists can be edited atany time and lists as well as list items are unlimited.List suggestions:1. Restaurants / Food Ideas: If you struggle with deciding where /what to eat for lunch, or out with the family, enter your favoriterestaurants into a list and have the app choose for you.2. Magic 8 Ball: Just for fun enter the magic 8 ball choices andthe app can simulate a magic 8 ball.3. Rock, Paper, Scissors: Have you ever wanted to play rock,paper, scissors but had no one to play with? Or want a fair game?Create a rock,paper,scissors list and play against the app.4. Heads / Tails: Have you ever needed to flip a coin but didnot have one available? Create a heads / tails list and let the appflip for you.5. Spelling Lists: This can be used as an educational tool byadding spelling lists to reinforce spelling words. Pick a randomspelling word a day.6. Exercise Programs: Do you have too many exercise programs andcan't decide which one to do? Enter them in a list and have the apppick one.7. Family Day: Do you want to have a family fun day , but forgetwhat is fun to do? Enter all fun family day activities in a listand have the app decide for you the next time you want a familyday.8. Who goes first - Do your kids fight over who goes first orwho gets the front seat? Enter the names in a list and have the appdecide.9. Chore list - Create a list of chores and when the kidsmisbehave have the app pick a random chore for them to do.10. Diaper change - Who has to change the next baby diaper?Enter all possibilities in the list and let the app decide.